The debate was already red hot before this video by Professor Daniel T Willingham from the University of Virginia (brought to my attention by Stephen Downes) added fuel to the fire. On the one side are the learning and development romantics, all voodoo and crystals, holding firm to their pseudo-psychological beliefs. On the other, the cold, clinical and calculating rationalists, trying to make sense of the multitude of interacting variables that impact on teaching and learning by resorting to the ultimate killjoy that is science. You can guess which side I'm on.

No-one doubts that learners differ in terms of personality and preferences, but whether these can be usefully categorised as learning styles is highly debatable and certainly unproven. Teachers and trainers do, anyway, have far more important issues to consider when considering their interactions with learners. By far the most important of these, as far as I'm concerned, is the nature of the learning to be achieved (concepts, principles, rules, facts, social skills, psychomotor skills, problem-solving skills, attitudes, etc.).

Obviously learner differences are important, but there are more significant issues than their personality and preferences, for example:

  • their motivation to learn the subject in question (if the motivation's not there, it has to be stimulated);
  • their prior knowledge of the subject (novices need more structure and support);
  • the extent to which they've learned how to learn (independent learners will be much less demanding);

And let's not forget that we also have to work within the constraints set by time, budget, facilities, equipment, tools and skills. Yes, we have enough to think about, without trying to develop alternative routes through learning experiences to pander to some vague conception of individual preferences.

I don't blame the learning styles believers; I blame those who've filled their minds with confusing and ultimately unhelpful theories dressed up as science. If learning styles do exist, go on somebody, prove it.


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  1. I'm as the cold, clinical and calculating as it gets, but I don't think that the case (that there are no learning styles) has been made.

    It is *certainly* not made by the work of Willingham.

    There seems to be a bit of 'denying the obvious' going on on the part of the sceptics.

    Case in point:

    A blind person will never learn visually. You have to teach this person through audio, scent, touch, and the rest.

    Similarly, a person who cannot read is going to learn poorly from text.

    I haven't seen the case made why these observations - which to me seem blatently obvious - are wrong.

  2. You say that there are more significant issues than their personality and preferences, such as motivation, prior knowledge or how they learned to learn.

    These look to me as things that contribute to define your personnality and your learning preferences. Therefore, in my mind you are contradicting yourself.

    I tend to aggree with Stephen's comment above. People, for different reasons, will develop some senses more than others and therefore will be more receptive to stimuli coming through those senses.

  3. To respond to Guy, I don't believe I am contradicting myself. Prior knowledge and motivation are dependent on what is being taught/learned, so are situational. Whether you are or are not an independent learner is a more fixed characteristic, I admit, but is only likely to affect preferences to the extent that dependent learners will want more structure and support. It certainly won't make a difference to their auditory, visual or kinesthetic inclinations.

  4. To respond to Stephen, surely the burden of proof is on those proposing learning styles theories rather then the sceptics. And I don't find the examples of the blind person or the illiterate person terribly relevant here, because these are real exceptions. I'd maintain that, in normal circumstances, we will all find a visual element helpful to learning, although some may find the verbal (textual or auditory) elements more digestible than others.

  5. Clive
    Nice post.

    Lots of people agree with you. It seems to make transparent sense that there would be variation in senses, and that information coming in one of the more sensitive would be privileged. The idea makes so much sense that lots of people have tested it. . .and can't find any evidence that it's true.

    Stephen, sure, blind people can't learn visually. But you can't base a theory of how the mind works solely on a few disabilities. A more reasonable prediction would be that learning disabilities might be primarily auditory or visual in nature, and that learning styles theories apply to LD kids. That sounded reasonable to me too, until John Lloyd reminded me that the first studies testing the VAK theory were on LD kids. (He summarizes some of them in an article published in Remedial and Special Education, 1984, vol 5, no 1, pp 7-15. I'm pleased to hear that you're as cold and clinical as they come,if that means that you are persuaded by data. Can you tell me what data makes you think that learning styles are a useful theory of cognition?

  6. Anonymous9:19 PM

    tdmkhqGreat post! However, proving the existence or non-existence of learning styles is like provng the existence or non-existence of God: Don't expect the matter to be settled in this lifetime. I happen to be a "believer" in learning styles, which I would define as a completely logical interpretation of individuality within each human brain. I also happen to believe that motivation is more a factor of neural wiring responding to external stimuli (i.e., what is being taught), as opposed to some universal benchmark that applies equally to all people regardless of their "style." I can't "prove" any of my beliefs, but I also don't know of anyone who can dis-prove them either.

  7. Eric, I agree with you about motivation, which is why I said in a previous comment that it is situational, not a 'style'. I would also agree with you about our individualities, but there's a long way from that very general point to classifying people as visual, auditory or kinesthetic by nature.

  8. The very collocation "learning styles" I find risky, and this for two reasons:
    1) learning is a mix of perception and the social structuring of experience, of which style โ€“ more a question of output than input - is a relatively trivial variable: by that I mean styles vary tremendously but coexist very nicely and indeed require one another in all their variability for harmonious social development and broadened perception,
    2) the idea has at its core a consumerist connotation, attributing too much importance to mere preference. Preference is not style. Learning is not shopping.

    On the first point I maintain that the risk, when the theory is applied as policy, is that of isolating learners and desocializing them within the learning process by appealing only to their individuality and flattering it at the same time. On the second, the serious risk is to define them or to encourage them to define themselves by their conscious (or expressed) preferences. But in all cases the ideology of learning styles pushes in the direction of radical individualism (of a consumerist variety) and weakens the social basis of learning.

    To use a related metaphor within the consumerist culture perspective, the learning styles approach represents to me a trend in civilization that can be seen in the steady drift away from the collective meal (family, clan, group, village, etc.) where the means of exchange and therefore of learning are varied, towards the fast food, self-service, eat-burp-and-be-done-with-it but order what you fancy culture which we're all familiar with. Meals have, of course, throughout human history, been intensive and consistently significant learning occasions, and unlike classrooms respect a more harmonious balance of input (listening) and output (expression), the key to effective learning.

    Does that mean learning styles donโ€™t exist. Not really. But, to me it means they donโ€™t matter!

  9. The research by Frank Coffield and colleagues is worth reading in relation to this:

    Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning A systematic and critical review

    Should we be using learning styles? What research has to say to practice

    Learning Styles for Post 16 Learners - What Do We Know?

  10. My perspective on this issue is both cultural and pedagogical. The individualist/social (or collectivist) point I made in my previous post is cultural. Taken a step further it becomes pedagogical. Might the problem behind the debate be one of mislabelling the issue itself and misleading the interested parties? It isnโ€™t really about learning styles, but about teaching styles.

    The question of the stylistics of pedagogical communication has been not so much neglected as repressed since the beginning of the industrial era. The real issue, when you look at the literature, is the lack of stylistic range of teachers and trainers, the failure to respond to the variety of ways in which ALL people learn and to harness the complementarity of varied stimuli in structuring the complex associations that make learning possible. But we masquerade it as a debate about learning styles, putting the onus on the learners. Why not just come out and say, โ€œteachers donโ€™t know the first thing about communicating knowledge, and even less understanding, yet theyโ€™re the ones who teach each other how to teachโ€? Thatโ€™s what the โ€œadviceโ€ about learning styles seems to boil down to, anyway.

    When I see in the literature questions such as this one โ€œHow adequate is the training that teachers and tutors receive on learning styles?โ€ the fundamental dishonesty of the whole debate seems evident. Why not ask, โ€œhow adequate is the training teachers and tutors receive on their ability to vary the way the communicate whatever they think they are meant to communicateโ€? We donโ€™t ask that question because it focuses on the possible inadequacy of teachers and trainers, whereas itโ€™s much more comfortable to switch the blame to the learners. It is assumed that teachers will teach better if they know how people learn each as a unique individual. But when we investigate this we discover that people generally learn in spite of teachers and primarily outside their presence. Yet when we engage in the debate about learning styles we seem to be searching for ways of giving more power to teachers rather than encouraging more initiative for learners.

    The reason for varying one's teaching style is not the accomodation of individual learning styles, but optimising the efficacy of the learning process for everyone. That's why I see this as a typical cultural issue, reflecting an ambient ideology of individualism. I admit that it would really be too much, however, to get the teaching and training establish to think outside its cultural box.

  11. Kia ora Clive!

    I think the problems arise when we attempt to put learners and their preferences into categories. Stephen is right, there are cases that are indisputable. On the other hand, teachers will insist on forcing learners into categories that they, perhaps, shouldn't be in.

    Do I have a learning style? You bet I do. But it's not always the same. It's different in the morning from at night, for instance. And it can be different from day to day, and even according to what I've been doing beforehand.

    Any attempt to squeeze me into a category and force me to learn under the wrong circumstances and I react, and have done since I first went to school - funny that.

    One category that I haven't found in the theory books (or sites) is what I call the 'interest' category. If you teach me something in such a way that you interest me in it (no matter by what means, technique, visual, audio, text or touchy-feely) I'll learn it.

    Curiousity and interest are two factors that seem to transcend any of the so-called learning style theory, at least with me, and I've proved it time after time. How do I rationalise this? Simply because ALL my senses become more keen whenever I'm interested in something I think is worth learning - this happens without me thinking about it.

    Am I vastly different from other learners? I don't think so. In fact, I'd say I was fairly typical, for there are some things, I can't learn, some things I won't learn and some things I don't want to learn . . .

    . . . unless I'm interested.

    Ka kite
    from Middle-earth

  12. the lights are coming on. I think the rub here is on the word "style," which seems to be way too ambiguous for us to find the commonality of thought. My personal definition of learning "styles" is not as hard-lined as the "auditory, visual or kinesthetic" camp, and because of that I completely missed this idea in all the earlier posts. My own "theory" is that learning styles are more closely associated with personality "styles" than they are with a specific sensory method of data capturing. Does that help at all? Make things worse?

  13. Tฤ“nฤ koutou katoa!
    Hello Everyone!

    Most commenters seem to be looking for something here, some sinuous link that proves the rule, no matter what their belief. I have never supported the Learning Styles theory, but of course, that is just opinion.

    Clive defined two camps - on the one hand the Mystics, on the other the Statistics. The fact is that Science involves a bit of both, and I don't really think it's fair to Science to say that it is cold, clinical and calculating and there would be a few Science Icons who would probably fit more with the Mystics than the other.

    Goethe, a Scientist whose life's work I've admired, is purported to have said (in German) that if one goes looking for evidence to support one's theory, it will be found. I think this applies well to what we're looking at here.

    There isn't a lot of cold, clinical, calculating evidence one way or the other. And I suspect that it's because we're looking at the most complicated machine that we're ever likely to come across (at least this century) and that is the human mind.

    I'm inclined to hedge my bets and believe that all the factors we hear about, that assist learning, are probably making their various contributions. Another way I can put it is that I don't disagree with anyone's take on initiating learner interest, capturing learner attention, getting the environment right for learning, pandering to learner whims - the list goes on. Quite frankly, I've found that they all work to some degree.

    But like myself, if the learner doesn't want to learn, there's no amount of force, bribery, cajoling, sweet-talking, call it what you want, will get the reluctant learner to learn.

    Humans are the most complex, flexible and adaptive animals on earth. They are also amongst the most stubborn.

    Ka kite

  14. This is a really interesting debate.

    For me the bottom line is that it is unlikely that all of your learning audience are going to respond in the same way to one type of content delivery. Therefore it shows how critical it is to know your audience so that you can adapt accordingly.

    Providing a blended approach of delivery methods therefore is always going to be critical along with the emotional intelligence to continuously respond to feedback?


  15. Anonymous12:56 AM

    You thought that only Indian education system has faults and problems. However, just go through the links below and you find out that the UK education system is equally bad.$1230376.htm

  16. Blind people don't learn visually and people who can't read don't learn from text. These are tautological sstements that say nothing about the debate.

    Coffield did the work. Far too many theories and all of them suspect. Learning is not some simple sensory process, it's a complex set of cognitive functions. As for 'style' it's clearly a vague and awful term to describe cognitive abilities.

    Even if they do exist the damage done by labelling kids as visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners is wholly banal and dangerously stereotypical. Several neuroscientists have come out publically comdemnig this nonsense. As for Honey and Mumford - that's just a case of commercial fraud. There never was any scientific evidence for their theory.

    The sooner we clear this useless, vague and unverified theory out of the way, the sooner we can improve teaching and learning. It's the equivalent of physicists believing that everything can be reduced to earth, air, fire and water.

  17. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Do I detect an outburst of black bile? Doctors used to recommend a balance of blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm.

    Yes, indeed, the 'theory' of learning styles is about as scientific as the theory of humours or the four 'personality types' beloved of rudimentary sales training.

    And why do these things always come in fours?

  18. I'm not that familiar with the research on learning styles. Does research in mathematics education also suggest that learning styles do not exist? I would imagine that some students have a harder time learning mathematics by simply going over proofs while others don't.

  19. The concept of learning styles does not create a situation in which an individual is isolated if viewed from perspective of the student and not the teacher. If the teacher is unable to communicate effectively then the burden remains on the student's abilities and efforts to learn the material. He still attends the class but needs to digest the information in his own way. Of course this has to be done no matter what. It is in that process that there are similarities among us that may be termed styles.

    A basic concept when it comes to the functioning of our brain is that it works on a system of reinforcement. Over time we develop preferences or dislikes based upon what we are exposed too. Further exposure or reinforcement of a thought creates a more efficient pathway, eventually leading up to a learning preference. Microscopically this can be seen through the myelenation of neural track or in the growth of a completely new connection from one neuron to another. If the track is used often it becomes further enforced with mylen that has the effect of creating a faster more efficient pathway, physically. These small links add up in an individual's mind creating preferences.

    If there are similarities between learning preferences, then one can gain much from the way that they are explained streamlining their mind for more efficient use over time. Anyone can develop a learning method if the same successful approach is used repetitively, however a person cannot fully control the environment that is around them. Through the options that we are genetically enabled to do our mind creates a structure to respond to the surrounding environment. This response creates our basic preferences or our own style. Anyone through persistence and discipline can add on a new room to this structure. However, it would be more efficient to work with what we have been exposed to before creating a new method.

  20. The problem is the question is wrong, both epistemologically and practically. "Learning styles" is a construct, and as such it doesn't "exist" in any real sense.

    The issue is this:

    Does the learning styles construct have value in a) explaining events parsimoniously, and b) improving learning and instruction?

    I'll try to address these here and/or on my blog at since I have to attend to some work outside the office.

  21. Reading this sceptical post and the long, detailed comments and counter-comments qualifies as a primer.

    Perhaps a narrowing of the definition of styles and more focus on practical classroom applications for often overworked, underpaid educators would be helpful. There's little doubt that most students would learn better with individual lessons focused on their strengths, and tailoring material for individual learners is wonderful where possible. My unease with the learning styles mantra is it too often re-enforces naive and false expectations for what a teacher should do - and reduces the learning demands on students.
    If Juan and Marisa can't read, it must be the teacher didn't understand their learning style. Consider me sceptical.

  22. I think everyone learns in its own way. we are normal or those who are blind have a look for a different study. I found some married couples who are both blind in my country. but they still can work to have children who can help them in everyday life.

    This is an amazing story about how a child in my country can be self-sufficient and help their parents do all the work without being taught.

    This news using Indonesian, please translate in english by google translate..


  1. In October 2005, I wrote my first post for the Clive on Learning. It was called Bringing e-learning into the twentieth Century. We're now 20 years into that new century and I'd like to think that, thanks a great deal to coronavirus and repeated lockdowns, we now have a pretty good idea of what advantages we can gain by learning online. Paradoxically, we've also realised just how important it is for us psychologically to be face-to-face.

    Anyway, this is my 900th and last post addressing issues around learning in the workplace, so I thought I would celebrate that fact with a blast of the trumpet. I am shifting to a new phase of my life in which I will be exploring other interests of mine, including music composition and writing, with an emphasis less on how others learn and more on how I learn and develop. At the end of March, I will share my First Post to reveal what I have been up to in this year of forced seclusion.

    For now, I would like to thank the 4 million or so readers of this blog over the past 15 years and wish you well as you continue your careers in learning and development. As we rebuild our lives and economies post-pandemic, you will have a pivotal role to play.

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  2. If you have an hour to spare (and, let's face it, in the current circumstances, that might just be the case),  you might enjoy this podcast hosted by the wonderful Jane Daly. I really enjoyed talking to Jane and reflecting on my career in learning and development.

    And I thoroughly recommend Jane's site People Who Know as a rich resource for learning professionals.


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  3. Last year I worked on a major project to develop online courses for HR professionals. Most of the content was aimed at influencing behavioural change so, as the principal writer, I decided to major on storytelling as strategy for learning. Over a six-month period, I reckon I must have written hundreds of stories, some no more than simple prompts for reflection and discussion, while some formed the primary means for uncovering ideas and generating insights.

    Reflecting on how central storytelling had become so central to my approach to learning design, I thought back to the point at which I really became hooked on this technique. Back in 2003, I devoted a great deal of energy to the design of a new CD-ROM course entitled Ten Ways to Avoid Death by PowerPoint. In blatant disregard of all the usual constraints of time and budget, I set out to design a programme that was both highly interactive and media-rich, engaging as many of the senses as possible.

    As the course was nearing completion, I came up with the idea of introducing the programme with a short story, adapted from a classic fairytale. Because the moral of the tale seemed to echo the main message of the course, I added this in, even though I was concerned about starting a course in such a passive, linear manner.

    Some time later, I met with a colleague who had been reviewing the course. She had shown it to several managers in her company and got some feedback. I asked if anything stood out that they found particularly enjoyable or memorable - perhaps the games, the multimedia, the illustrations? No, you guessed it, it was the story. It made the point, it stirred the imagination, it stuck in the mind.

    You may not be surprised, but I was. Can stories really be more powerful than interactivity in bringing about learning? I investigated further and found a site called (it's long since disappeared). They said: "We are story-making machines. Cognitively speaking, every experience, every relationship, every object is stored in the mind as a story." OK, but any website that calls itself 'story at work' is going to be biased. What about the science?

    Well, Jerome Bruner, the father of cognitive psychology, believes storytelling is hardwired into our brains. The primary reason infants are motivated to learn to speak is because they have stories inside them that they want to share with others. Simple stories like "I fell over" or "I had a bad dream and I'm scared", but stories nonetheless.

    In his book Tell me a Story, psychologist and artificial intelligence expert Roger Schank argues that "knowledge is stories" and that intelligence may be more or less equated with the ability to tell the right story at the right time. Even the old-timers agree. According to the old Hopi proverb, "He who tells the stories rules the world". Hollywood already knows that.

    When you attend a really good workshop, the one thing you can guarantee is that the facilitator will have some good stories. Perhaps a few are just good jokes, but many will be extremely relevant to the subject in hand. They illustrate a point, they stimulate discussion. That's why it's so much more difficult to run a workshop for the first time - it can take quite a while to come up with all those anecdotes and examples that bring the event to life. It also explains why your average facilitator's guide is never quite enough of a foundation on which to run a workshop - however thoroughly it lists all the steps involved in preparing and running the event, it's inadequate if it doesn't also provide you with a repertoire of interesting and illuminating anecdotes.

    There's a clue here as to why so much self-directed learning is dry and boring. The typical designer will work with a subject expert to define the learning objectives and list the important learning points. They will structure this information and support it with visual aids and practical exercises. If they're not careful, what they will end up with is the online equivalent of the facilitator's guide, when what they should have done is spend hours in conversation with the subject expert, wheedling out their favourite stories on the topic - the successes, the horror stories, the amusing incidents.

    Even if you don't fancy yourself as a budding chat show host, you are unlikely to encounter much opposition. Subject matter experts will find it much easier to tell stories than to articulate what they know in terms of neat and tidy abstractions. Funnily enough, learners won't be any different. Try as you may to come up with clever mnemonics to help them remember the five stages in this, or the seven elements in that, they're much more likely to recall the tales you have told or the experiences shared by other participants. They'll also waste no time in passing these stories on to their colleagues. After all, they're only human, and if the scientists are to be believed, simply story-telling machines.


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  4. Back in 2009, I posted a simple analysis of learning technologies based on Diana Laurillardโ€™s conversational framework. This became the second most popular posting ever on this blog, so I thought I'd give it a further look.

    I was particularly taken by Dianaโ€™s five media forms (the descriptions are mine):
    1. Narrative media: explain, demonstrate, describe
    2. Interactive media: facilitate reflection, check understanding, encourage exploration, provide feedback
    3. Communicative media: allow exchanges between learners and between learners and tutors / subject experts
    4. Adaptive media: facilitate experimentation and practice
    5. Productive media: allow learners to articulate, express, demonstrate understanding
    I was interested to see what light these categorisations would shed on my understanding of the wide range of learning technologies currently at our disposal. The following table is my updated 2020 attempt at allocating technologies to each of the five categories. I have added a column to explain whether digital content would be an input to the learning processes involved or an output.

    Media formExample learning technologiesThe role of content
    Narrative mediaOnline videos, online articles and papers, podcasts, software demos, infographicsContent is an input to the learning process
    Interactive mediaScenarios, quizzes, simple games, click-through e-learningContent is an input to the learning process
    Communicative mediaSocial networks, forums, virtual classrooms, online meetings and discussions, webinars, email / messagingContent is an output from the learning process
    Adaptive mediaSimulations, AR/VR, intelligent tutorials, strategic games, intelligently curated content, adaptive learning pathwaysContent is an input to the learning process
    Productive mediaWikis, blogs, spreadsheets, apps for editing text, video, audio and slideshowsContent is an output from the learning process

    On re-visiting this analysis, Iโ€™m still not sure yet whether these categories move things along. Are some media forms more valuable than others? Are they situational? Should they be used in sequence or in combination? There's plenty of room to take this thinking further.


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  5. In my last post, I argued that, although face-to-face learning has been the default since the dawn of time, online learning has changed everything. As we have discovered over the past few weeks, online learning is scalable, flexible, accessible to all but a small minority, economical, environmentally advantageous and, of course, socially distant. Whatโ€™s not to like?

    So OK, there are situations when we simply canโ€™t achieve what we want online, which is fine because, in time, weโ€™ll be able to go back to doing some learning face-to-face. Used judiciously and typically as part of a blend, face-to-face learning is capable of adding tremendous value. But not for everyday learning, for special occasions.

    Letโ€™s imagine youโ€™re currently in a position in which you simply have to deliver your programmes online because your classrooms are all closed up.  You still have a big decision to make โ€ฆ

    1. Should I develop online materials to cover the content of my programmes?
    2. Or should I run live online sessions that approximate what I currently do in the classroom?

    If you spend most of your time in a classroom, youโ€™ll be drawn to option 2, because the experience will be similar and you will have less work to do in developing materials. But, in doing so, you only take advantage of some of the benefits of online learning - the social distancing, the reduced carbon footprint, the cost reduction. What you donโ€™t get is the scalability and the flexibility. You canโ€™t address as large an audience as quickly as you can with digital content and you canโ€™t offer your learners the opportunity to learning when they want, at the pace they want and in the way they want. So there has to be a good reason for delivering your sessions live. In short โ€ฆ

    Live online learning is also for special occasions

    So, what are those special occasions? Why do you want to fix your learners to a particular date and time? Here are some arguments:

    Live events allow for a free-flowing dialogue, something that is simply not going to happen by email, in a forum or on Twitter. Many learning activities, including role-plays, simply have to be live.

    In a live event, you have the potential to get quick answers to your questions and immediate feedback on your performance. This level of responsiveness can be important in some situations, such as learning to operate a process or to handle customer queries. Generally speaking, a real-time approach gets the job done quickly, whereas it can take ages to resolve an issue while you wait for people to respond when it suits them.

    Live events can also have more emotional energy (sometimes negative as well as positive) than their self-paced equivalents. Most of us would prefer to watch a big sporting event as it happens rather than see the recording sometime later, even if we do not know the outcome. There is something about experiencing an event as it happens in the company of our peers, whether thatโ€™s face to face or online. And this upsurge of emotion is going to make a big difference in terms of what we remember.

    In the context of a blended solution, live events also act as a milestone to encourage learners to get the self-paced work done. In a course which has no timetable, it is inevitable that individual study will be put off to a later date โ€“ after all, learning is rarely the most urgent task on our to-do lists. Even if deadlines are established for self-paced learning, there is always the feeling that these could easily be pushed back if required. However, when a programme is punctuated with live events, there is a massive incentive to get on with your โ€˜homeworkโ€™ โ€“ no-one wants to be the one who hasnโ€™t got their assignments done.

    Choices, choices, choices. To keep it simple, letโ€™s reduce all this to three steps:

    1. By default, deliver your learning programme as online content
    2. When online content wonโ€™t do the job (you want free-flowing discussion, you need to provide instant feedback, you want emotional energy, you want to introduce milestones into a longer programme, and so on) then consider delivering some elements live and online
    3. When live and online still isnโ€™t enough (people need to be hands-on, you need full attention, you need maximum sensitivity to body language, etc.) then consider delivering some elements face-to-face

    Except, of course, that option 3 is not available at the moment. So, make option 2 work.



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  6. Having spent the past 25 years advocating the greater use of online tools and resources for education and training (not to mention many other aspects of our lives), I've met my fair share of opposition and have to admit that I've been frustrated at how slowly we have responded to the opportunity.

    I needn't have worried! All we needed was a pandemic. All of a sudden, it seems quite absurd to question the concept of online learning. For me, this is the silver lining on a very dark cloud.

    Of course, the crisis will come to an end and, when it does, we have a chance to re-think before automatically assuming our previous positions. So, should we simply go back to doing as much learning as possible face-to-face? Or perhaps dispense with the idea of face-to-face learning altogether? To answer the question, I return to my post of 9th December 2011. For me, face-to-face is for special occasions.


    Ask yourself. What proportion of the music that you consume is at a live performance? Chances are it's something between 0 and 10%. What proportion of the drama that you watch is at the theatre, rather than at the cinema or on TV? I'd be surprised if it's more than a few percent. And what proportion of the sport you watch is in a stadium rather than on TV? You get the idea.

    And yet, there's a good possibility that those live events that you have attended - music, drama, sports or whatever - are among the most memorable occasions of your life. Perhaps even peak experiences.

    If you wanted to up the percentage of time you spent watching live music, drama or sport, it would come at a considerable price in terms of admission fees, travel, time and sheer adrenaline. Chances are that, unless you're rich and with considerable discretionary time, it would be completely impractical. In fact, with all the rush of modern working life, you're probably finding it increasingly impractical to watch TV or listen to radio at the times at which the programmes are broadcast. A great deal of your media consumption is almost definitely asynchronous - under your time control - using downloads, streaming media and the like.

    Is it too fanciful to apply the same logic to learning? The default position is now asynchronous and online, giving you complete control over time and place. If you want to share an experience with other learners in real time, you go synchronous, using some sort of virtual meeting platform. If you need a rich sensory experience that you'll remember for years, then spend the money, put aside the time and meet up face-to-face at a conference or workshop.

    There was a time when the only way you could listen to music, watch a play or a sporting event, or attend a class was live and face-to-face, because there were no ways to transmit or record these events electronically. Quite clearly those days are gone and we are the richer for it.


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  7. This week on The Good Practice Podcast, I join Ross Garner and Owen Ferguson to discuss the promise of e-learning.

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  8. An orchestral re-imagining of Robin Williamson's epic song for The Incredible String Band, conceived for the musical 'U' some 50 years ago.


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  9. Six months of highly concentrated effort by the Skills Journey team has paid off with the launch, on January 23, of a major new online learning resource for 150,000 members of the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD).

    We worked closely with the CIPD learning team to help produce eight courses aligned to the core behaviours in the CIPDโ€™s New Profession Map:

    Ethical practice
    Professional courage and influence
    Valuing people
    Working inclusively
    Commercial drive
    Passion for learning
    Insights focus
    Situational decision-making

    This was a real team effort with design and development shared across CIPD and ourselves. To get this resource out in such a short time, including the production of 73 new videos and animations, we employed a highly agile and collaborative approach and this certainly seems to have paid off with a fantastic early response from CIPD members.

    A big challenge was that we were not focusing on knowledge-based material; we wanted to challenge and shape the behaviours of those working in HR, L&D and OD, not just in the UK but across a wide range of cultures. This led us to adopt an innovative design, centring on storytelling, authentic challenges, personal exploration, reflection and social interaction.

    We were determined not to bombard learners with abstract information. We wanted to stimulate insights that would transform practice and enhance the professional standing of those working in the profession. I reckon we have every chance of achieving that.

    The courses are free to CIPD members. If that doesnโ€™t include you, you can get an overview of what the resource contains on the CIPD website.

    Clive is now Instrumentality

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  10. .

    Something about Quelque Chose

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